Rabbit bonding: bunny courtship
The rabbits are ready to meet up close. You are ready too...all nice and calm and present. It is worth a little review of what you are going to be watching for, when to interfere, and when to let...
View ArticleRabbit bonding: how to support the process
They're ready to meet face to face...how can you help? How can you support the process so there is the best chance of a beautiful relationship?You might get lucky, and have rabbits that bond within...
View ArticleRabbit bonding: what to do in a fight
You are doing what you can to support the bonding process. But when should you step in?There are many behaviors that may look a little alarming but that don’t require intervention. CHASING, MOUNTING,...
View ArticleRabbit bonding: let’s move in together!
No more fights, right? And you are all caught up with this series? Then you've done great with rabbit bonding: let's move in together!Call all the friends with trucks, get out the tape. It’s moving...
View ArticleRabbit bonding: this isn’t working
You've read all this, you've tried it all. You've found help at your local rescue. This relationship is still not working.There is the occasional situation when rabbits cannot be bonded.If you have...
View ArticleRabbit bonding: is it true love, or only tolerance?
You've got two rabbits who are not fighting, and you've decided the match has worked. Nobody is breaking up.Have you ever been stuck sharing a hotel room with someone at a conference? Or maybe you...
View ArticleRabbit bonding: stress bonding
Wow, we've talked about rabbit bonding pretty thoroughly! Don't miss any of the info.In our last series segment, we are going to talk about some ways NOT to bond your rabbits, and why these methods...
View Article5 Myths about rabbits BUSTED
Rabbits have not been domestic pets for nearly as long as dogs, cats, even horses. Buns are pretty new on the scene, really. So, we just don't know as much about them. And they haven't had as long...
View ArticlePut me down! Why rabbits don’t like to be picked up.
Rabbits don't like to be picked up. You can see it when you start to lean down to pick up your bun, ready for some snuggles. Your arms make the first tiny moves to reach for Daffodil, and there she...
View ArticleClicker training refresher by Joan Orr and Teresa Lewin
Now you’ve seen how fun agility training can be, we are proud to give you a clicker training refresher (see our whole series about clicker training starting here). Guest bloggers Joan Orr and Teresa...
View ArticleWhat rabbit agility training looks like! (plus a Rocky tribute)
photo credit: Daily Mail UK There are jumping competitions and all kinds of rabbit activities out there, but we are talking about off-leash agility training. This is what it looks like (and...
View ArticlePet rabbits are HOUSE rabbits…INDOOR rabbits!
photo credit: animalfair.com Pet rabbits are domestic rabbits. Domestic rabbits are not the same as wild rabbits. Only wild rabbits can live outdoors. Domestic pet rabbits are house rabbits. PET...
View ArticleDIY rabbit toys: because there are never too many toys
Got some time to do something sweet for your rabbit? Here are some Small Pet Select approved DIY rabbit toys that everybun will enjoy! (Read about toy do’s and don’ts here first!) PINECONES...
View ArticleDIY don’ts…things to avoid when making rabbit toys
There can never be to many rabbit toys, and we are all about DIY. There are a lot of posts about toy ideas out there on FaceBook, Instagram…all over the interwebs. When considering what kind of...
View ArticleEasy Cool-down Ice Cubes of Goodness
Hot weather is tough on small animals. Cool them down with these quick and cubes of goodness…just put some greens, herbs, and berries in your ice cube tray, fill with water and freeze. Ice cube...
View ArticleTerrific DIY Fix To Rabbit Proof Cords and Baseboards!
Terrific DIY fix: rabbit-proof your cords and baseboards at the same time! Let’s face it: the typical cord protectors, cable channels, and mounted conduit sleeves are just not that fun. Plus, you have...
View ArticleTerrific DIY fix: rabbit-proof cords and baseboards at the same time!
Let’s face it: the typical cord protectors, cable channels, and mounted conduit sleeves are just not that fun. Plus, you have to go to a lot of trouble if you need to move an appliance or reorganize...
View ArticleNettle is healthy for rabbits and guinea pigs – the forage that does a lot more!
Providing variety in rabbit and guinea pig forage is so important, and helps them get all the micronutrients, phytochemicals, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes they need to be super fit. Some of us...
View ArticleRabbit litter box problems and how to solve them
Getting your rabbit to use a litter box Rabbits can truly use litter boxes very nicely. Rabbits and litter boxes can be a problem from time to time, especially if you have added a new rescue to your...
View ArticleBunny makes opening the mail fun
We all need a little help now and then. This bunny decided to pitch in. SnailMail isn’t usually fun to open…just more bills and junk mail. This personal mail-opening service would make even...
View ArticleThe Top 5 Things Every Rabbit Wants!
MEADOW BALL HONEYSUCKLE RING TOY SET 1. TOYS AND CHEWS Keep those minds and those teeth busy with toys. A bored rabbit is a bad rabbit! Giving a rabbit plenty to tug, toss, and chew will make their...
View ArticleRabbit aggression: when good rabbits go Bunzilla
Rabbit aggression: good rabbits gone RabbitzillaRabbits are too cute to be real. Furry little adorable beasties, with soul-searching eyes and tails that just make us squeeeee. What is cuter than a...
View ArticleRabbit aggression: body language and signals
Is your rabbit scary? It happens. Perhaps your rabbit has been in shelter for a while, and has developed some bad habits. Or maybe his previous home wasn't so great. Maybe he is just bored, or very...
View ArticleRabbit aggression: identifying triggers
We've talked about what an aggressive rabbit does, and we know that a rabbit does not attack without warning. There are signals, most often several of them, that give us the opportunity to avoid...
View ArticleRabbit aggression: modifying the behavior
We've learned about how rabbit aggression escalates, and what may trigger these unwanted behaviors. How do we turn that bad behavior around?There are 3 over-riding rules to modifying rabbit...
View Article5 Herbal Mixes: Rabbit Nutrition gone wild! (handmade by Small Pet Select!)
Rabbits are MEANT to eat herbs, flowers, bark, roots...and without the variety they would find in nature, their nutrition can suffer. Make your rabbit's nutrition complete AND YUMMY with our herbal...
View ArticleHow Quality Timothy Hay Helped To Fix GI Stasis for Radar the Rabbit
Tracy lives in Indiana with her husband Greg and her bunny Radar, and four parrots:-). Tracey wrote into us recently and shared her story about how Small Pet Select helped her bunny Radar recover from...
View ArticleTop 10 Toys for Rabbits
Toys are not just fun. Sure, it IS fun to play. But it is also necessary...rabbits need the mental activity, or they get bored. A bored rabbit gets in to all kinds of trouble, and can even turn...
View ArticleRabbit gifts and jewelry: because everything’s better with a rabbit on it!
Whether you are giving yourself a treat or looking for a gift for someone else, everything is more fun with a rabbit on it! We've got all kinds of items to help you tell the world how much you love...
View ArticleButler the Rabbit learns to LOVE HAY (and solves his dental problems)
Jess lives in Daytona with her rabbits Lola (the brown bunny in the pics) and Butler (the black bunny in the pics). Jess always wanted a bunny but her mom wouldn’t let her keep on in the house, and...
View ArticleWhat makes some hay superior quality special yummy nom nom
What makes great hay great? Well, if you ask your rabbit, he'll tell you that hay should smell like a field in summer. Great hay is fresh, all nice and green and soft. Not too stemmy. With some...
View ArticleRabbit Photo Contest
Get A Free Sample Of Hay The post Rabbit Photo Contest appeared first on Small Pet Select.
View ArticleMeet Nolan Gunn, the craftsman who makes our rabbit jumps!
We wanted to find just the right person to make agility equipment for us. The wood had to be smooth, carefully sanded. The design had to be safe. So we talked to people, did some networking, and...
View ArticleFinding the right brush for rabbits
Every rabbit needs to be groomed regularly. Rabbits are a little bit vain! They fluff and clean themselves quite a bit, and they end up swallowing some of that extra fur. This can lead to...
View ArticleThe Top 5 Things Every Guinea Pig Wants!
MEADOW BALL HONEYSUCKLE RING TOY SET 1. TOYS AND CHEWS Keep those minds and those teeth busy with toys. Giving a guinea pig plenty to tug, toss, and chew will make their days much happier. Tugging is...
View ArticleThe Best Rabbit Reference Books to keep on hand
No mater how long we've lived with and loved rabbits, none of us has the answer all the time. There are a few reference books you can keep on hand that will help quite a bit, especially in an...
View ArticleCan rabbits and dogs live together?
It's complicated.Simply put, there is no rule about whether dogs and rabbits can live together. Some can, some can't. Some dogs are very calm around rabbits, and show no prey drive whatsoever. The...
View ArticleBest ways to remove fur from clothes and furniture!
Do you ever get a look at yourself walking out the door and sigh, wondering how to get that fur off your office clothes? Or maybe your friend stops by, and hesitates to sit, then you notice the furry...
View ArticleRabbit sleeping habits: can you tell if your rabbit is asleep?
Rabbit's like to rest up all day, so they are ready to play when you come home! How many of us have watched our bunnies zooming around at 10 PM, as we are ready to settle in and drift off? Well, wild...
View ArticleFEEDING unlimited hay vs. EATING unlimited hay
When you were a little kid, chances are you tried to hide your peas under the potatoes. Or maybe fed them to the dog under the table. Just because someone gave us healthy and nutritious food didn't...
View ArticleTop 10 Toys for Guinea Pigs
Toys are not just fun. Sure, it IS fun to play. The exercise is important, too. Guinea pigs need to stretch, romp, and popcorn. Let's not forget those teeth! Chewing and tugging on toys help wear...
View ArticleRabbit bonding: deciding to add a new family member
Rabbits do love to have a rabbit bond-mate. Edie Sayeg of the Georgia House Rabbit Society likes to call them “partners in crime”, and swears they COLLUDE to play tricks on the humans. No matter how...
View ArticleRabbit bonding: before you start
You've read our last post, and are all up to speed, right? So now, lets take a look at rabbit bonding: before you start the process and jump in to any blind dates, there are some things that should...
View ArticleRabbit bonding: hardest part
You've found your bunny expert help, now we're going to talk a bit about your part in all this. The most difficult part of the whole bonding process, according to Edie Sayeg of the Georgia House...
View ArticleRabbit bonding: first dates
Got yourself in the right frame of mind? Let's do this! Time for some dates!We recommend that you introduce your bunny to at least 2, 3 or 4 different buns and watch the bunny for various signs that...
View ArticleRabbit bonding: getting ready for the new rabbit
Have you gone on some dates? Do you think you've found a soulmate? Before your new bun comes home, we've gotta do some prep work.You will need to separate living areas at first…two ex-pens set up...
View ArticleRabbit bonding: good fences make good neighbors
You've chosen a great rabbit to join the family, and done all the prep. Your new bun is home! Now what? Your rabbits begin their relationship in your home by being great neighbors. They can hear...
View ArticleRabbit bonding: swapping spaces
We're not quite all snuggled up like the buns above yet, but we're getting there. We've shared our scents and voices from a distance. The next crucial step is for your two rabbits to share spaces -...
View ArticleEscape artists: keeping your bunny inside the ex-pen
You've got a tiny little rabbit, and a 36" ex-pen. You don't have to worry, right? Hah! Rabbits can jump at least 2 feet, and often up to 4 feet! They also can use those back feet to "push off",...
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