No mater how long we've lived with and loved rabbits, none of us has the answer all the time. There are a few reference books you can keep on hand that will help quite a bit, especially in an emergency. We recommend keeping these right there with the grooming supplies and hay, within easy reach.
A reminder that all information is not good information! There is plenty of bad advice and sometimes it comes in very slick, professional-looking packaging. It can be so hard to weed out the people who may truly be trying to help (but do not have the background or experience to do so safely) from the truly knowledgable experts. Be cautious.
One of the very best basic care guides comes from a source that we can all trust...the House Rabbit Society. They have done not only a great job of putting solid information out there, but they also have contributed to the advance of rabbit medicine by working with vets to understand and come up with standard care and treatment plans for at least one serious and common rabbit illness: e. cuniculi.
Especially for first-time rabbit people, the House Rabbit Guide is invaluable. From how to set up the living space, how to provide the right food, how to rabbit-proof your home, it is all in there.
For more in-depth information on health issues, like infections, dental problems, and even some behavioral hints, the go-to resource is "When Your Rabbit Needs Special Care".
"When Your Rabbit Needs Special Care" is full of info on everything from general nutrition and care info to life-saving information about shock, heat stroke, transporting an injured rabbit, first aid, and how to syringe feed. Very comprehensive, and a good balance of traditional and alternative information. This is a well-worn reference around here, and even though we've used it for years, it continues to educate us.
We know the internet is usually the first place people usually head for information. Not all of the information in these books is easy to find, however, and you will have to poke through a lot of sites and opinions to find what is between these covers. We hope you find them helpful!
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