You've got a tiny little rabbit, and a 36" ex-pen. You don't have to worry, right? Hah!
Rabbits can jump at least 2 feet, and often up to 4 feet! They also can use those back feet to "push off", much like a cat making a big leap, and get even more distance. Amazing little athletes!
So what is a poor human to do? We worry about them escaping and getting in to trouble - maybe even danger - when we are not around to watch out for our little buddies. There are a few things you can try to keep your Houdini safe and in that ex-pen.
First, the home remedy: you can take an old sheet, stretch it taut of the top, and use clothes pins or binder clips to attach it to the top of the ex-pen walls. You'll have to use a good number of pins or clips - the little devils know if there is a weak spot in the defenses, and will still make it over the top.
If you'd like to get a little fancier, or you aren't having success with the sheet solution, you might want to try an "official" cover - one made specifically to use as a cover for ex-pens. When searching for them, try using the terms "shade" or "UV", as these covers are often used to keep sun off dogs in ex-pens outdoors. Here are some examples from online retailers:
Notice these covers have all kinds of loops along the edges to help you secure them to the pen - it looks like the orange ones have even more loops, so would be preferable.
You may end up with a disapproving bun for a bit, once those escapes are thwarted, but better mad than hurt!
Good luck, and let us know if you've found any great solutions to this problem, so we can share!
The post Escape artists: keeping your bunny inside the ex-pen appeared first on Small Pet Select.